Tuesday, September 21, 2010

the sad life of a pedestrian. (a wank)

Generally I am pretty much cool about walking around, taking buses, waiting for the buses, dodging garbage bins, overgrown bushes... but the thing that really pisses me off is the extremely common lack of consideration from the drivers. Most of them very rarely check if anyone's coming when joining the traffic. They force on you their turning even though both of you have green light to go. I have to constantly check if there is anyone who assumes I should stop and wait even though I do have green and cross straight ahead and he/she is turning left/right so should give me the right of way. But hey, better wait and be pissed than die feeling right. I hate when they can't wait two seconds for me to cross, but will slowly get closer and closer and drive fast by the moment they have enough room. Like really? Is that really necessary? can't you wait in place instead of causing my anxiety to sky rocket? I am already anxious enough crossing any bigger crossing, because I know that I am slightly disadvantaged when in clash with metal can on wheels.
And not only that, but for this jerk letting me go is missing a few seconds. For me it might be much more, especially if I am trying to cross for the upcoming bus, and when the next one comes in 40min.
Today when running errands I've met with this kind of behavior multiple times.

Sometimes though, there are people who will go back slightly when they notice they went too far while trying to join the traffic, blocking my sidewalk. Others will just wait, while I have to go around them, forcing me to walk on the street, b/c s/he is too lazy, and obviously too important to move his/her ass back a bit. Sometimes I have to wait to catch the driver's attention b/c s/he is looking only left and I approach from the right, and I am scared that s/he will decide to push hard on forward just when I circle in front of the car.

And dont' even get me started on red light runners...

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